Recreational Grounds
There are four recreational grounds in Old Marston that the Parish Council is responsible for. Mortimer Hall Recreational Ground and the Orchard Triangle were once part of a larger ground before being split by the Marston Ferry Road. Mill Lane Recreational Ground is owned by the Oxford Preservation Trust and leased to the Parish Council who maintain it. Boults Lane Recreational Ground is used for local sports activities. Please contact the Parish Council if you have any queries relating to any of the recreational grounds. Scroll down for more information.
Boults Lane Recreational Ground
This was given to the Parish Council in compensation when Marston Ferry Road was built across Mortimer Hall Recreational Ground. The recreational ground is used regulary for sports activities and is home the pavilion, Marston Saints and the 43rd Oxford Scout Headquarters, as well as being an access route to Court Place Farm Allotments. Below are some links to documents.
Mill Lane Recreational Ground
This is owned by the Oxford Preservation Trust and leased for free and maintained by the Parish Council in order to provide a recreational space for residents in the top part of the parish.
Mortimer Hall Recreational Ground
This was purchased from Brasenose College by the Reverend John Mortimer, vicar at the time, and given to the parish and managed by the Parish Council as a charitable trust for the good of the parish (charity number 304330).
Orchard Triangle
The Orchard Triangle was part of Mortimer Hall Recreational Ground until it was cut off by the Marston Ferry Road, but is linked by the underpass. This area is popular with dog walkers and wildlife.
Parish Council A to Z
- Accounts
- Agenda
- Allotments at Mill Lane
- Archive Documents
- Cemetery
- Committees
- Councillors
- Documents Lists
- Draft Minutes
- Environment Committee
- Finance Committee
- Minutes
- News and Events
- Newsletters
- Orchard Triangle
- OxClean
- Paddock (next to Mill Lane Allotments)
- Pavilion
- Pavilion/Recreational Grounds/Cemetery Committee
- Planning
- Planning Committee
- Policies & Procedures
- Projects
- Public Meetings
- Recreational Ground at Boults Lane
- Recreational Ground at Mill Lane
- Recreational Ground at Mortimer Hall
- Responsibilities
- Risk Assessment Schedule
- Staffing and Standards Committee
Contact Us
Main Business
About Us
Your local Parish Council, fighting for and serving the community of Old Marston in Oxford.Â