Medieval Marston

Below are some documents about medieval Marston, some are in medieval Latin. Click on box to expand. If you would like any items emailed then please do contact us. You can also download a document with the information below by following this link.

Marston in circa 1214

Rotuli Hugonis de Welles
Merstone: Ecclesia valet xviii marcas. Vicaria consistit in omnibus obventionibus altaris et omnibus minutis decimis totius ejusdam parochie, et in decimis bladi et feni et omnibus aliis decimis provenientibus de una virgate terre in eadem villa, scilicet quam Osbert filius Hewardi tenet. Habebit etiam vicarius domos et curiam in quibus capellanus manere consuevit et valet vicaria v marcas.

Rough translation:
The Rolls of Hugo of Wells
Marston: The Church is worth 18 marks. The revenue of the vicarage consists of all income of the altar and all small tithes of the whole of the parish, and of tithes of wheat and hay and all other tithes issuing from one virgate of land in the same township, that is to say, the virgate which Osbert the son of Heward holds. The vicar will also have the house and yard in which the chaplain is accustomed to stay and the vicarage is worth 5 marks.

1279 Hundred Rolls (Latin Translation)

45. Merstona.Merstona est hameltum de Hedindona et dicunt iuratores quod tres sunt ini eodem hameletto quorum quilibet tenet unam virgatam terre, et reddit per annum Xs. et faciet sexdecim operaciane per annum.
46. Est et ibidem unus qu tenet unam virgatam terre, et reddit per annum ve. et faciet xvj operaciones ut supra.
47. Assunt etiam ibidem xxvj quorum quilibet tenet dimidiam virgatam terre redendo per annum cuilibet vs. et facient semper domino operaciones unius virgatae terre scilicet xvj operaciones.
48. Assunt etiam ibidem duo que tenent unam virgatam terre rddendo per annum xii solidos, et facient sexdecim operaciones sicut pro una virgata terre.
49. Assunt ibidem in le Buriende octo qui tenent unam virgatam terre de quibus sex habent cotagia, et reddent per annum xiiij solidos j denarium, et duo non habent cotagia tamen pro tenuris suis iiij s. jd obolum, et omnes dicti octo facient xvj operaciones sicut pro una virgata terre.
50. Johannes filius Nicholai Alisandre tenet unam foreram terre, et reddit per annum xij d. pro omni servicio.
51. Johannes Surdus tenet unum cotagium et reddit per annum xijd Hugoni de Plesiz.Cotarri
52. Assunt etiam ibidem quatuor cotarri qui reddunt per annum vjs. domino de hedindona et isti quinque cotarii venient ad magnam precariam domini quilibet cum uno homine et erunt ad ponturam domine de Hedindona.Liberi Tenentes
53. Radulphus le Wal et Walterus de Pilers piscatores Oxonie tenent quandam piscariam pertinentem ad manerium et quoddam passagium ultr Charewelle de vendicione et tradicione Hugonis de Plesiz, et reddunt per annum pro piscaria dimidiam marcam et pro passagio ijs tenendum in vita sua.
54. Thomas filius Thurstani tenet unam virgatam terre libere reddendo per annum iiijs., et dat scutagium quando currit quantum pertinet ad unam virgatam terre in eadem villa Hugonis de Plesiz.
55. Iohannes de Molendina tenet unam placiam in Merstona supra quam edificavit reddendo per annum iiijd. pro omni servicio Hugoni predicto.
56. Item idem Iohannes tenet unum molendimen qui dicitur Scitepilche de Hugonis de Plessetis in Merstona quo ad vitam suam per cartam, reddendo inde per annum xjs. pro omni servicio Hugoni predicto.
57. Item idem Iohannes tenet ibidem de predicto Hugone de Plesiz unam fore[r]am herbagii, reddendo inde vjd. annuatim pro omni servicio Hugoni predicto.
58. Item Willelmus vicarius de Merstona tenet de Hugone de Plesiz unam peciam de terre de dominico suo que vocatur Budelcroft quo ad vitam suam reddendo per annum ijs. pro omni servicio.
59. Est quedam terra in campo de Merstona ultra dominicum que tenetur de Hugone de Plesiz, et ad festum sancti Michaelis eo anno quo seminatur, reddit ixd. obulum quadrantem predicto Hugoni, et semper in tercio anno nichil reddit quia iacet warectum.
60. Abbas de Osneya. Abbas de Oseneya debet habere quolibet anno de domino de Hedindona, qui pro tempore fuerit xijs. annui redditus de dono Matilde Imperatricis de exitu eiusdem manerii.

[Hundred Rolls Chancery Series Oxon. no. 3 De Inquisicione Hundredi de Bolendene anno E. vii. = OHS Collectanea iv (OHS XLVII 91905) ed Rose Graham]

ORIEL COLLEGE: Miscellaneous Deeds

477 Grant to the College of an acre of meadow in Marston [636]
Feb 2 1349
Pateat universis per presentes quod ego. Petros de Notyngham, persona ecclesie sancti Michaelis ad portun borialem Oxonie, dedi [&c.] preposito & scolaribus domus sell anle beate Marie Oxonie unam acram prati quam emi de Iohane Godefray de Merstone secundum quod accidit michi per sortem in prato de Merstone, videlicet unam rodam in Muchelemellepount & aliam in Littlemellepount & terciam in Shillynhope & quartam in Southmore, ita quod post decessum meum videlicet dicti scolares habeant unam apietanciam cum viderint expedire; nec volo quod dicta acra nec pecunia proueniens ex eadem ad alios usus quam scolarium predictorum loco apietancie in esculentis et poculentis aliqualiter convertatur; habendam et tenendam dictam acram prati dictis preposito & scolaribus ut premittitur in perpetuum, reddendo inde annuatim capitalibus dominis feodi illius servicia inde debita & de iure consueta. Et ego [&c Warranty]. In cuius [&c. sealing], hiis testibus, Ricardo de Selwode tunc maiore ville Oxonie, Iohanne Bedeford et Adam le Longe tunc balliuis eiusdem ville, Ricardo Cary, Willelmo le Irmongere, Iohanne Smyth Skynner de Oxonia et multis aliis. Dat Oxonie die Lune in festo Purificationis beate Marie virginis anno regni regis Edwardi Tercil post conquestum vicesimo tercio.

[Oriel College Records. C.L. Shadwell, H.E. Salter. OHS LXXXV (1926), 369]

Rigistrum Munimentorum [1397]

Merston Merston 1. Carta qua Petrus de Notyngham persona ecclesie sancti Michaelis ad portam borealem Oxonie dedit collegio unam acram prati quam emit de Iohane Godefray de Merston, secundum quod accidit sibi per sortem in prato de Merston, viz. unam rodam in Michele Millepound & aliam rodam in Litele Millepound, et terciam in Swyngehope, et quartam iin Southemore, sic quod post decessum suum haberet idem haberet idem collegium unam petanciam cum viderit expedire, nec voluit quod dicta acra aut pecunia proueniens ex ea ad alios usus qua pietancie in esculentis & poculentis aliqualiter conuerteretur reddendo inde annuatim capitalibus dominis feodi servicia inde debita & de iure consueta.

Dat anno E. tercii XXIII°. Et est 11a in ╬۞ [p369] 

Shutpulche Bridge 1398

Presentment in Easter Term 1398 at Oxford. That a bridge called Shutpulche at Marston is so broken that men with horses and carts cannot pass thereby and that the township of Marston ought to repair it.

On Monday 6 May the said township came before the King at Oxford by John de Hulton their attorney and said that Thomas, son and heir of Thomas atte Mulle of Marston was seised of a toft with appurtenances in Marston, whereon a water mill was lately built; the said toft lay near the said bridge and the said Thomas and all tenents of the aforesaid toft from time immemorial were bound to repair the said bridge without that the said township was bound thereto; and process sought against the said Thomas. Afterwards in Trinity Term 1400 the said Thomas came by John Hulton, his attorney, and acknowledged his liability and was amerced 2s.

[Selden XL (1923) no clxiv; (Medieval Public Works).

C.T. Flower (ed) in his introduction (p. xxi) says ‘ A Bridge at Marston  near Oxford is called Shutpulche in the text: I suspect that its real name was SHUTPUSCHE and that it was a manual drawbridge similar to those which still cross the canal near Oxford.’ (!)]

SHITPILCHMILL (lost) is (mill called) Scitepilche 1278-9 RH, Scytepelche-melne, Scchytepelchemelle 1285 Ass. v. myln.. The first part of the name is a term of abuse similar to the more modern s***-breech, the second element being’pilche, garment. It was presummably a(derogatory) nick-name of the miller.

cf. Doders Mill 400, v. introduction [27]

Suscutt Mill circa 1490

no. 123 Paper, draught
{circa 1490}
Mar. 20 [no year]; Robert Bolt of Woodeaton leases to William Skebroke a water-mill called Suscot Mill, for the term of his life, rent 40s

[in Snappes Formulary etc. H. E. Salter OHS 1xxx (1924) p244]

Court Place 1493

Deeds in charge of town clerk of Bridgwater,
no 115. Parchment Original
Mar 12, 8 HenVII [1493]: Hugh Shurley of Sandford and John Briteton of Abingdon enfoeff William Hye of Marston and Elizabeth his wife in a messuage and virgate of land in Marston called Le Courtplace, and a water-mill; all of which they lately had of the feoffment of William Hye.

Feoffment in English law

In English law, the granting of a free inheritance of land (fee simple) to a man and his heirs. The delivery of possession (livery of seisin) was done on the site of the land and was made by the feoffor to the feoffee in the presence of witnesses. Written conveyances were often customary and, after 1677, mandatory.


  1. 123 Paper, draught

{circa 1490}

Mar. 20 [no year]; Robert Bolt of Woodeaton leases to William Skebroke a water-mill called Suscot Mill, for the term of his life, rent 40s

[in Snappes Formulary etc. H. E. Salter OHS 1xxx (1924) p244]



BNC Bursar’s Rolls: Rental 1545-6 Receipts

Iidem Bursary Onerantur pro certis terris et tenementis in Merston in comitatu Oxon’ ut eciam per Tentale apparet particulariter…..cxjsf viijd



BNC Valor 1547

Marston parochia de se j. milliare a civitate oxonie valet in Temporalibus videlicet in


Redditu unius Messuagii cum pertinentijs ibidem cum omnibus terris pratis et pasturis eidem pertinentibus dimissi Edmundo Crouche ad voluntatem domini Reddendo inde per annum   Ixvj.s. viij.d.

Firma unius Messuagij cum monibus terris pratis et pasturis didem pertimentibus dimissi Ricardo Hoore et per indenturam sub sigillo communi dicti collegij datam XXX mo die Septembris Anno regni regis Henrici viij xxxvj to [30 sept 1544] pro termino xxx ta annorum a data dicte Indenture per Annum  xviij.s. iiij.d.

Firma unius alij mesuagii cum pertinentiis ibidem ac cum omnibus terris pratis et pasturis eidem pertinentiis dimissi willelmo Foreste alias Smyth per indenturam sub sigillo unius feoffatorum dictarum terrarum per Annum xxvj.s. viij.d.

[summa totalis] cxj.s. viij.d

[BNC quatercentenary Monographs IX p. 189 = OHS (1909) LIII]

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Old Marston Parish Council



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