The Parish Council consists of twelve elected councillors who meet regularly and make decisions as a collective body. In addition a parish clerk and responsible financial officer is employed to facilitate the work of the council as is usually the main point of contact for council business and enquiries. You can find out more about the members below. (Click on About to find out more about the councillor or follow this link for keyboard-only option.) At the last parish council election in May 2022 all current councillors were either re-elected or elected for the first time. You can download the results of the election for 2022 here.

Duncan Hatfield
- Chairman
- Staffing and Standards Committee
- OxClean Organiser
- Parish Councils Forum
- Website and Social Media
- Old Marston Charities Trust
- Mortimer Hall Management Committee
- Planning Committee
I have lived in or near to Marston for more than twenty-five years. I am originally from Wallingford. I went to Liverpool Polytechnic to study Geography. I moved to Oxford in 1991 to work as a care worker for the health service. After a number of years I moved onto retail work and administration. I currently work in administration. I joined the parish council in 2006 and became Vice-Chairman in 2010 Â and Chairman in January 2018. I am responsible for organising the annual OxClean litterpick in Old Marston and manage the website, Facebook, Twitter sites and the on-line profile of the council. I am currently the Chairman of Old Marston Charities Trust.

Pat Hall
- Declaration of Interests
- 01865-241696
- Vice-Chairman
- Staffing and Standards Committee
- Finance Committee (chair)
- Planning Committee
- Pavilion, Recreational Grounds and Cemetery Committee
I was born in Oxford and attended St Andrew’s Primary School and Milham Ford School. I worked in Local Government and then the NHS as the Manager of the Oxford Cancer Intelligence Unit. I moved to Cherwell Drive with my late husband when our three children were small. I now have six wonderful grandchildren three of whom attended At Nicholas Primary and Cherwell School. They all have degrees which has to be a great testament to our local schools!
I retired in 2010. I am a member of the National Trust, take upholstery classes, love reading and gardening and I lunch a lot with friends!
I was co-opted onto the Parish Council in 2010 and am now the Vice-Chair. I really enjoy living in the parish of Old Marston. Let’s all work to ensuring it remains a great place to live.

Martin Smith
- Finance Committee
- Planning Committee
- Staffing and Standards Committee
- Pavilion, Recreational Grounds and Cemetery Committee
I have lived in Marston most of my life, I first lived with my parents and brothers and sisters from 1967 later I moved away for a while but soon came back and now live in the Marston village. I am involved and arrange most of the music social events that take place in the area and have assisted and continue to assist with The Red Lion, Victoria Arms The Marston Saints and Oxford City Fc social affairs such as Oxfest.
Living in Oxford for so long I have gained much knowledge and seen so many changes over the years, I felt 2023 was a good year for me to reach out and support the Parish in bringing Marston forward to my ever changing home town.
I work for the Oxford University locally in which I am heavily involved in green and sustainability programs, I have gained much experienced within this field and I am very happy to share and advise anyone that would like to gain from this.
I am also on the Marston finance Committee
My personal time I like spend doing Modern Jive dancing around the south of England, I am also part of a local covers band that play local.

- Kevin Jones
- N/A

Louise Upton
- Declaration of Interests
- tel: 07799 768 233
- Old Marston Charities Trust
- Planning Committee
- Oxsrad

Mark Lygo
- Vacancy
- Vacancy

Mary James
- Planning Committee
- Finance Committee
- Public Transport Group
- Environment Committee
I was born in Oxford and educated at Oxford High School. I went to university in London and worked there for ten years, firstly as a transport planner for the (then) Greater London Council and subsequently as a teacher of Economics and Geography.
I moved back to Oxford when my two daughters were young and have lived in Old Marston for fifteen years in total.
Since my retirement I have enjoyed looking after my garden, my allotment and my grandchildren but I very much wanted to contribute to the needs of the community.
Hopefully having become a member of the Parish Council in the recent election I now will.

Alistair Morris
- Environment Committee
I have lived in Oxfordshire for most of my adult life and in Marston since 2005. I have two adult children who were born at the JR and went to local schools. Â I am a co-founder of Marston Community Gardening Group and a member of St Nicholas Church Environment and Social Justice Committee. I am particularly concerned with environmental issues such as climate change, local nature and the environment. I am keen to support local initiatives on public transport, car sharing schemes, use of renewable energy, tree planting, growing our own food and sharing and encouraging energy efficiency in local homes. I am opposed to excessive traffic and congestion and non-residents unauthorised parking in residential areas.

Micky Bates
- Planning Committee
- Pavilion, Recreational Grounds and Cemetery Committee
- Finance Committee

Charlotte Vinnicombe
- Planning Committee
- Community Forum
- Environment Committee
- Parish Councils Forum
- Staffing and Standards Committee
I volunteered to become a Parish Councillor to help the Parish Council look after our community.
I have lived and worked in Oxford since 1995 and have lived in Old Marston since 2008. I live with my partner David, and my two children, who were born just up the road in the John Radcliffe Hospital. I have worked for Oxford University for nearly 24 years; my current role is Head of Administration and Finance in the Faculty of Law.
Through my job, I’m very experienced at committee work, and understand the democratic decision-making process that is fundamental to the Parish Council. I have previously chaired the Oxford Conservation Volunteers, helping to organise volunteers and raise funds to support practical nature conservation in the Oxford area. I am currently the chair of the Elsfield Road and Oxford Road Residents’ Association, so I have a very good understanding of some local concerns (particularly relating to through-traffic and parking), and have experience of representing the views of residents in the parish. I am also aware, though, that the role of a Parish Councillor is to represent the whole parish, not just my own immediate area.
I have been a ‘Marston Village liaison volunteer’ for the Oxford Half marathon for the past two years, and I enjoy helping with litter picking and sign cleaning in the village.
As a Parish Councillor, I have also been co-opted onto the Environment Committee – a sub-committee of the Parish Council. I am interested to explore what we can do at a parish level to care for the environment and help prevent climate change.

Skye Denno
- Declaration of Interests
- 01865 202988
- Finance Committee
- Environment Committee
- Planning Committee
Hi I’m Skye and in 2017 I moved from Cowley to serve as Vicar of Old Marston. As well as being a priest I’m a mum of three and a wife to Joel. My background before ordination was in Art Therapy and psychotherapy and I’m dipping my toes in Group Analysis starting a diploma next September. I have a love of abstract painting (acyclic on canvas) and am developing a new hobby in gardening. This is my first time on the local parish council and I’m excited to join the team and keen to serve my community further in this way.
Charles Haynes
- Declaration of Interests
- tel
- Pavilion, Recreational Grounds and Cemetery Committee
- Finance Committee
- Planning Committee
- Staffing and Standards Committee

Tim Cann: Parish Clerk
- 01865-203139
- Parish Clerk
- Responsible Financial Officer
- Secretary of Old Marston Charities Trust
I am the Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer for Old Marston Parish Council and have lived in Old Marston all my life. I went to school at St Nicholas Primary School and Harlow School (which is now Meadowbrooke College). Before working for the Parish Council, I worked for in customer services at B.H. Blackwell for 27 years, then part-time at the local Midcounties Co-op for 10 years. Later I trained and qualified as an Integrative Counsellor, providing therapeutic counselling on a part-time basis at a local prisonfor about 7 years. I am also a Microsystems acupuncturist and run a small private practice both at OXSRAD and the MS Therapy Centre in Milton Park. I have been chairman of OXSRAD for about the last 15 years. When I have time, I enjoy gardening, reading, cycling and art.
Parish Council A to Z
- Accounts
- Agenda
- Allotments at Mill Lane
- Archive Documents
- Cemetery
- Committees
- Councillors
- Documents Lists
- Draft Minutes
- Environment Committee
- Finance Committee
- Minutes
- News and Events
- Newsletters
- Orchard Triangle
- OxClean
- Paddock (next to Mill Lane Allotments)
- Pavilion
- Pavilion/Recreational Grounds/Cemetery Committee
- Planning
- Planning Committee
- Policies & Procedures
- Projects
- Public Meetings
- Recreational Ground at Boults Lane
- Recreational Ground at Mill Lane
- Recreational Ground at Mortimer Hall
- Responsibilities
- Risk Assessment Schedule
- Staffing and Standards Committee
Contact Us
Main Business
About Us
Your local Parish Council, fighting for and serving the community of Old Marston in Oxford.Â