
The Parish Council has five committees. These committees help with the increasing workload of the Parish Council and allow the opportunity to spend more time to look at an issue and to look at it in more depth than would be possible in a main meeting. The five committees are: Environment Committee; Finance Committee; Pavilion, Recreational Grounds and Cemetery Committee; Planning Committee; and Staffing and Standards Committee. Click on one of the tabs below to find out more.


  • To review any local issues relating to the environment and to recommend appropriate action
  • To promote local wildlife


  • Mary James
  • Charlotte Vinnicombe
  • Skye Denno
  • Alistair Morris

Terms of Reference

  1. Authority:
    The Environment Committee is appointed by and is solely responsible to the Old Marston Parish Council. The Committee duties are defined and agreed by the Full Council who may vote, at any time, to modify the committee’s powers. The committee will meet quarterly but can also be convened to deal with special events as they occur.
  2. Membership:
    All members of the Committee will be elected Councillors, however, should it be deemed necessary non-councillor(s) may be co-opted to the committee to give expert advice. Any Non-Councillor(s) will not have any voting rights. The Committee will consist of no fewer than four elected Councillors. At the full council’s annual meeting the chairman, and if felt necessary a Vice-Chairman, shall be elected. The chairman, or in their absence the vice-chairman, shall preside at all future committee meetings in that year. A quorum at the Committees meetings will consist of no fewer than three elected members.
  3. Record of Proceedings:
    Written minutes will be taken to record the Committee’s decisions and will be circulated to all Councillors with recommendations for the next Full Council meeting. The minutes will be published on the Council’s website and placed on the noticeboard(s). The Parish Clerk will be responsible for arranging the recording and distribution of the minutes.
  4. Responsibilities:
    Primary Purpose: To promote the welfare of the local environment and wildlife

The Environment Committee will have the following specific duties:-

a. Review local issues relating to the local environment
b. Protect and promote local wildlife
c. Promote measures to reduce pollution
d. Encourage and promote energy efficiency and sustainability

Agendas and Minutes

For links to agendas and minutes please go the Environment Links Page.


  • To review budgets and recommend to the Full Council for approval
  • To review the precept and recommend to the full council for approval
  • To regularly monitor budgets v expenditure
  • To ensure adequate financial controls are in place to protect the Council’s finances and assets – to include insurance of buildings and property and maintenance of asset register
  • To Review and amend the Council’s Financial Regulations annually and to ensure that the Council is observing the regulations
  • To monitor and ensure compliance with laid down internal and external audit and other financial procedures, regulations and statutes
  • To review Council Fees and Charges on a regular basis (at least annually)
  • To monitor the Council’s financial risk assessments and recommend changes where necessary
  • To create and monitor a clear policy for grant aid administration
  • To approve other Committee’s annual spending/budget levels in line with agreed overall budget
  • Any issue arising of Council expenditure – above that which the Clerk, in conjunction with Chairman of Council or Chairman of Finance Committee, can resolve under £1,000 – should be dealt with by Finance Committee. Items over £5,000 must be referred to Council (section 4, Financial Regulations)
  • To recommend to the full Council such delegated powers to the Clerk as thought appropriate
  • To appoint annually the Responsible Financial Officer to oversee the Council’s financial affairs (Normally the Clerk)


  • Pat Hall (chair)
  • Mary James
  • Martin Smith
  • Charlie Haynes
  • Skye Denno

Terms of Reference

  1. Authority:
    The Finance Committee is appointed by and is solely responsible to the Old Marston Parish Council. The Committee duties are defined and agreed by the Full Council who may vote, at any time, to modify the Committee’s powers. The committee will meet quarterly but can also be convened to deal with special events as they occur.
  2. Membership:
    All members of the Committee will be elected Councillors. The Committee will consist of no fewer than four elected Councillors. At the full council’s annual meeting the chairman, and if felt necessary a Vice-Chairman, shall be elected. The chairman, or in his absence the vice-chairman, shall preside at all future committee meetings in that year. A quorum at the Committees meetings will consist of no fewer than three elected members.
  3. Record of Proceedings:
    Written minutes will be taken to record the Committee’s decisions and will be circulated to all Councillors with recommendations for the next Full Council meeting. The minutes will be published on the Council’s website and placed on the noticeboard(s). The Parish Clerk will be responsible for arranging the recording and distribution of the minutes.
  4. Responsibilities:
    Primary Purpose: To manage the Council’s financial resources and to debate and recommend strategy and action on policy and operational matters concerned with Council’s finances, property, resources, land and manpower.


Agendas and Minutes

For links to agendas and minutes please go the finance Links Page.


  • Review new/replacement equipment
  • Regular Maintenance checks
  • Review the ROSPA Report
  • To oversee any Health & Safety issues
  • To review burial fees annually
  • To review contractor standards on grass-cutting & litter picking
  • To review and recommend any active policy for the best use and upkeep of the Council’s property and resource.
  • To oversee the completion of the Roy Garner Pavilion
  • To ensure regular Maintenance checks are done
  • To review and recommend any active policy that may enhance the use of the pavilion
  • To have the authority to spend up to £1,000 in any financial year without referring back to Council


  • Martin Smith
  • Pat Hall
  • Mickey Bates
  • Charlie Haynes

Terms of Reference

  1. Authority:
    The Recreation Grounds, Pavilion & Cemetery Committee is appointed by and is solely responsible to the Old Marston Parish Council. The Committee duties are defined and agreed by the Full Council who may vote, at any time, to modify the Committee’s powers. The committee will meet quarterly but can also be convened to deal with special events as they occur.
  2. Membership:
    All members of the Committee will be elected Councillors, however, should it be deemed necessary non-councillor(s) may be co-opted to the committee to give expert advice. Any Non-Councillor(s) will not have any voting rights. The Committee will consist of no fewer than four elected Councillors. At the full council’s annual meeting the chairman, and if felt necessary a Vice-Chairman, shall be elected. The chairman, or in their absence the vice-chairman, shall preside at all future committee meetings in that year. A quorum at the Committees meetings will consist of no fewer than three elected members.
  3. Record of Proceedings:
    Written minutes will be taken to record the Committee’s decisions and will be circulated to all Councillors with recommendations for the next Full Council meeting. The minutes will be published on the Council’s website and placed on the noticeboard(s). The Parish Clerk will be responsible for arranging the recording and distribution of the minutes.
  4. Responsibilities:
    Primary Purpose: To manage the Council’s physical assets.

Agendas and Minutes

For links to agendas and minutes please go the Pavilion, Recreational Grounds, Cemetery Links Page.


  • To objectively view any planning application received by the clerk where the consultation period ends before the next council meeting is scheduled.
  • Once a decision has been made the clerk will then report the view in the usual appropriate manner.


  • All parish councillors are members of the planning committee

Terms of Reference

  1. Authority:
    The Planning Committee is appointed by and is solely responsible to Old Marston Parish Council. The committee duties are defined and agreed by the full council who may vote, at any time, to modify the committee’s powers. The committee will meet as and when required or requested.
  2. Membership:
    All members of the committee will be elected councillors, however, should it be deemed necessary non-councillor(s) may be co-opted to the committee to give expert advice. Any non-councillor will not have any voting rights. The committee will consist of no fewer than four elected councillors. At the full council’s annual meeting the chairman, and if felt necessary a vice-chairman, shall be elected. The chairman, or in their absence the vice-chairman, shall preside at all future committee meetings in that year. A quorum at the committees meetings will consist of no fewer than three elected members.
  3. Record of Proceedings:
    Written minutes will be taken to record the committee’s decisions and will be circulated to all councillors with recommendations for the next full council meeting. The minutes will be published on the council’s website and placed on the noticeboard(s). The parish clerk will be responsible for arranging the recording and distribution of the minutes.
  4. Responsibilities:
    Primary Purpose: To have the authority to view plans that need urgent decisions before the next council meeting, due to the closing date of the application, being before the next council meeting.

Agendas and Minutes

For links to agendas and minutes please go the Planning Links Page.


  • To carry out the clerk’s appraisal.
  • Investigate any breach of code of conduct.
  • To investigate any complaint against a councillor or employee and to resolve as per Complaints Policy.
  • To monitor, review and recommend on all matters relating to the council’s staff levels, emoluments and conditions of service


  • Martin Smith
  • Duncan Hatfield
  • Charlotte Vinnicombe
  • Pat Hall
  • Charlie Haynes

Terms of Reference

  1. Authority:
    The Staffing & Standards Committee is appointed by and is solely responsible to the Old Marston Parish Council. The Committee duties are defined and agreed by the Full Council who may vote, at any time, to modify the Committee’s powers. The committee will meet annually but can also be convened to deal with special events as they occur.
  2. Membership:
    All members of the Committee will be elected Councillors, however, should it be deemed necessary non-councillor(s) may be co-opted to the committee to give expert advice. Any Non-Councillor(s) will not have any voting rights. The Committee will consist of no fewer than four elected Councillors. At the full council’s annual meeting the chairman, and if felt necessary a Vice-Chairman, shall be elected. The chairman, or in their absence the vice-chairman, shall preside at all future committee meetings in that year. A quorum at the Committees meetings will consist of no fewer than three elected members.
  3. Record of Proceedings:
    Written minutes will be taken to record the Committee’s decisions and will be circulated to all Councillors with recommendations for the next Full Council meeting. The minutes will not be published on the Council’s website nor placed on the noticeboard(s) as the contents are usually confidential. The Parish Clerk will be responsible for arranging the recording and distribution of the minutes.
  4. Responsibilities:
    Primary Purpose: To manage the Council’s staff and ensure standards are upheld by staff and Councillors.

Agendas and Minutes

These items are confidential and will not be published. If you have any queries then please contact the parish clerk.

Contact Us

Tim Cann


Old Marston Parish Council



Email: clerk

Tel: 01865 203 139

About Us

Your local Parish Council, fighting for and serving the community of Old Marston in Oxford.Â